26 April 2008

DB16, day 16: roll call.

For some reason of cosmic non-understanding, we've been roused from our beds the past few mornings to get the ROV in the water. Yesterday, the time was 7:30, but this morning it was 4:30. Too early, I say.

My new supervisor is a good guy. He's a bit more abrasive and cavalier than the last one, but overall, the conservative-politics, slightly-cynical kind of guy I've become accustomed to having in my life, in one form or another. Another reminder to roll with the punches.

I'm starting to have minor cravings for certain foods, which is funny, because there's a ton more variety here in the galley than I ever have at home. The biggest craving right now is for Indian food, a good curry, a little naan. Mmmm. Delish.

DB16, as seen from the heli-deck.

dirty diver boys.

650-ton ST160E platform being lowered onto materials barge.


Jon said...

This is some seriously good stuff- you've got conversation starters for years to come: "Thia reminds of the time I was decommissioning an iol rig in the Gulf of Mexico..."

Jon said...

Wow- I obviously didn't check my comment for typos before posting it! Actually, it would make the story even cooler if you were decommissioning an aioli rig...